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Redwood Road Transit Signal Priority project
November – UDOT
September – Street Smart Rental
Wyoming and South Dakota Use “Portable ITS Solutions” for the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally For fifty-one weeks out of the year, the town of Sturgis, South Dakota is just a normal small town. Located not far from the Wyoming border just off Interstate 90, it is a true “blink and you’ll miss it” settlement. The community […]
August – UDOT Signal Performance Measures
Managing traffic is an effective way to reduce congestion, save fuel costs and improve safety. One of the most visible components of the traffic management landscape is traffic signals. Day-to-day traffic challenges keep the staff at the UDOT Traffic Operations Center (TOC) very busy- especially during winter weather, special events and during the morning and evening commutes. […]
July – WTI’s innovation is awarded
The WTI Systems Group in Partnership with Caltrans Garner National Recognition with Three High-Profile ITS ProjectsIt’s been a noteworthy year for work done by the Systems Group at Montana State University’s Western Transportation Institute in partnership with Caltrans and the Western States Rural Transportation Consortium. In September 2014, the group’s One-Stop-Shop (OSS) project won ITS […]
June – MG Squared
Lowering CCTV Downtime & Raising CCTV Performance in Idaho The Ada County Highway District (ACHD) has been using MG Squared camera lowering devices on the I-84 and I-184 freeway network in the Boise, Idaho, USA region since 2002. According to Jim Larsen, Congestion Mgmt. Supervisor for ACHD, “the ease of maintenance and resulting time and […]
June – Ada County Hwy Dist
Ada County Highway District (ACHD) celebrates one year anniversary of upgraded Traffic Management Center The Ada County Highway District (ACHD) opened its Traffic Management Center (TMC) in Boise, ID in 2000. At that time ACHD had 4 CCTV cameras deployed. The TMC consisted of 18 – 19” televisions and a 50” Barco rear projection big […]
May – CDOT