ITD Press Release
Contact: Adam Rush | Public Involvement Coordinator | (208) 334-8119
New winter safety campaign offers 511 video to help drivers
BOISE – The Idaho Transportation Department’s Winter Safety Campaign has added a new video that offers information on the 511 Traveler Services system.
The 511 system offers current information on driving conditions on highways. The information comes from more than 260 images created from almost 130 Roadway Weather Information System cameras located throughout Idaho.
Now, simply by dialing 5-1-1 on the phone or looking up 511.idaho.gov on the Web, drivers can directly access that information.
To view the video, please visit the transportation department’s social media webpage atwww.facebook.com/IdahoTransportationDepartment. The video also is available via Twitter, at the handle IdahoITD.
The winter safety campaign helps drivers plan and prepare for challenging driving conditions by providing them with helpful information. This includes webpage links to neighboring states’ 511 traveler information for drivers who are traveling to Oregon, Washington, Montana, Nevada, Utah or Wyoming.
Those with questions about the safety campaign can contact Adam Rush at adam.rush@itd.idaho.gov or by phone at (208) 334-8119.